Juggling with chickens


Juggling with chickens
Becoming a servant
Remember your leaders
Priests for today
Why church unity?
The gospel for today


Reflections on Pastoral Ministry today


This is the book church members should read if they really want to understand their clergy or minister. This is the book ministers in training should read to find out what they are letting themselves in for. This is the book ministers should read to discover they are not alone or losing their minds.

This is not an academic book. There are some excellent academic books on the theory and practice of pastoral ministry. Many are concerned with ministry as it was in the Twentieth Century and not the realities of ministry as it needs to be to serve the church in the Twenty-first Century.

This is a work in progress. If you would like to be informed when new chapters or added, or if you want to chat about what I have written, do get in touch to peter@pbthomas.com




Home | Juggling with chickens | Becoming a servant | Remember your leaders | Priests for today | Why church unity? | The gospel for today

This site was last updated 11/07/09