Church newsletters carry a cost in money, time and energy. How much better to produce something not only for church members but aimed primarily at the many more fringe contacts and the wider community. A monthly or seasonal “outward-facing” church newsletter is an invaluable tool for outreach. Containing gospel messages and Bible teaching, prayers and testimonies as well as news of upcoming events, it should be designed not so much for church members as for fringe contacts through the church’s activities and be a publication Christians are very comfortable to give away to their friends, neighbours and colleagues.

In Message on a Shoestring (MARC Europe 1986 p 6) Chris Radley wrote that people “instinctively equate scruffily produced materials with inefficiency or untrustworthiness.” He is right

BUGB produced a “Top Tips” leaflet on Newsletters which is now available through the EBA Website:

Parish Pump offers a very helpful free booklet on Your Church Magazine
They also offer a subscription service of suitable content for church magazines at