The visiting lay-preacher has had a marvellous Sunday. A day full of blessings with many miracles of healing and deliverance. The gospel has been…

The visiting lay-preacher has had a marvellous Sunday. A day full of blessings with many miracles of healing and deliverance. The gospel has been…
Chris is risen! He is risen indeed! On Good Friday Jesus was crucified for our sins, dying in our place so that we can…
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Easter Day celebrates a wonderful unexpected surprise. They had watched Jesus being crucified on the Friday. Late…
Romans 5 6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will…
“Days were filled with guns and war and everyone got trampled on the floor – I wish we’d all been ready. Children died, the…
How much does it cost to be a Christian? Playing a sport can be expensive: buying all the kit and then playing the match…
When did God last answer one of your prayers? When was the last occasion when something happened and you knew without a doubt that…
I want to share a secret with you this morning. In all our sermons from Mark’s Gospel it is a secret which has been…
Indifference! In today’s world that is the most common response when we tell people the gospel of Jesus Christ. Indifference. Occasionally irritation or annoyance.…
What do you expect to get from following Jesus? What do you really want from your Christian life? There came a point in His…
Complete the well known saying, “Whoever is not ….” Most people know the answer to that question. “Whoever is not for us is against…
Have you been to the mountaintop? Have you seen the glory of the Lord? We talk about mountaintop experiences. Those outstanding moments of revelation…
On this Remembrance Day we think of those who paid the ultimate price to win the freedom we enjoy today. They gave everything they…
“Who’s Jesus?” That’s the title of this whole series of sermons from Mark’s Gospel. Just who is Jesus Christ? We are now just half…
WHY DID JESUS TAKE THE MAN OUT OF THE VILLAGE? Sometimes our surroundings can stop us from meeting with Jesus and receiving His blessing.…
I read a newspaper article this week which really annoyed me. It was by one of those well-publicised Anglican priests who really should have…
Back in the 1970s I remember going with some friends to the Harvest Festival in the village of Stowmarket in Suffolk. Surrounded by open…
It was the great American preacher Billy Sunday who said that “the problem with sin is that people don’t take it seriously. People treat…
Richard Wurmbrand was a pastor in the persecuted Romanian Underground Church in 1940s-60s. He tells the story of an occasion when armed police broke…
I read recently that there are three kinds of people. Those who make things happen. Those who watch things happen and those who are…
Our story this morning is a story about people. Jairus was an official of the synagogue. He was a layman, not a priest. His…