It is a sad reality of the human condition that life is often full of disappointments! Something we don’t want to happen does. Or…

It is a sad reality of the human condition that life is often full of disappointments! Something we don’t want to happen does. Or…
There is an old saying – familiarity breeds contempt. Sadly that can be as true of Christians as anybody else when it describes our…
LONGING FOR GOD 1 How lovely is your dwelling-place, LORD Almighty! 2 My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my…
Some sermons are not online as text, but instead as videos. Here is the first. This was the Powerpoint of the message Your word…
I was on the point of missing out the next dozen Psalms from this series because they seemed to be almost boring in the…
We come this evening to Psalm 53, which as it happens is very similar to Psalm 14. The first four verses are almost identical…
We don’t know for certain when the Psalms were written. Just half of the Psalms, like Psalm 52 are ascribed to David, and I…
We have looked at Psalms which are prayers of praise and thanksgiving and adoration. We have seen others which are prayers of confession or…
Psalm 49 is different from most of the Psalms we have looked at so far. It is not a song of praise or thanksgiving.…
We looked last week at Psalms 46 and 47. Those two Psalms gave us a number of reasons why we should put our trust…
Many theologians link Psalms 46 and 47 and also Psalm 48 with the suggestion of an annual ritual drama performed in the temple. They…
This is a Psalm written on behalf of all the people of Israel. It was attributed to a group of people “the Sons of…
In these days of Covid lockdown, many of us may be feeling just as the Psalm writer did. 4 These things I remember as…
Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the LORD delivers them in times of trouble. (Psalm 41:1) In Psalm 41 David is…
Psalm 40 is attributed to David. It is a song of praise for all the ways God has rescued him in the past and…
Somebody has come up with some interesting statistics of how the average person will spend a lifetime of seventy years. Sleep ……… 23 years…
10.1 The Theology of the Psalms “The Lord is the Creator (8, 104). It is the ground of his present sovereign rule over all…
9.1 What are the Psalms? 9.2 Authorship and Date of Composition 9.3 History of Interpretation 9.3.1 H. Gunkel (1862-1932) 9.3.2 S. Mowinckel (1884-1965) 9.3.3…
A few weeks ago at our weekly prayer meeting Draw Near to God we looked at Paul’s wonderful hymn to love in 1 Corinthians…
The Lord is my Light Psalm 27 Of David. GOD’S LOVE AND PROTECTION 1 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall…
In recent years the church has been rediscovering a neglected truth. God loves everybody. God welcomes everybody. Not just Christians or even religious people.…