All Good Gifts Around Us

“All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above,
So thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all His love.”

What’s your favourite kind of food? Curry, steak, rice, noodles, pasta, pizza, burgers, or what about good old fish and chips? Chinese, Indian, Italian, French, English, we really are spoilt for choice! Just think of all the different varieties of cheeses, and the weird and wonderful fruit freely available at the supermarket. Even our daily bread comes in so many different shapes and flavours.
It is so easy to take God’s good gifts to us for granted – not only our food but our clothing, our homes, and all the luxuries of life we enjoy while millions are dying without the necessities. We forget that these things only come to us as gifts of God’s grace. We praise the Lord as Creator of the world, but often forget that He is also its Sustainer. Without the continuing activity of Almighty God, upholding His creation in love, we would all instantly cease to exist. And He is our Saviour, who has bought us back to Himself at the cost of His only Son Jesus Christ.
Harvest gives us an ideal opportunity to pause for a while to give thanks for the countless blessings we receive from the Lord, not least on our dinner plates every day. When so many are living on a meagre and monotonous diet, we can choose between more foods than we can name or pronounce. Why not remember the presence of God our Sustainer by thanking God for all His blessings in a silent prayer each time we eat a different kind of food? That could easily turn into a hundred prayers or more by the end of the week!
And do join in expressing your gratitude to God with a gift of rice, flour, sugar, lentils or even a Family Food Box, for Harvest for the Hungry to remember so many children, families and old people in Bulgaria who have next to nothing when we enjoy so much.

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