My new mailing list

Life gets complicated when you have different blogs for different kinds of articles.

At the moment I have for all my sermons and studies every week, and also for reflections on theology, ministry and mission every few weeks or so.

I also sometimes post in www.northspringfieldbaptistchurch,org and on and of course Poppy and Sophie have their own blog at

Occasionally I write other stuff which friends might find of interest too.

If you would like to hear about these different pieces as they are published I have created a mailing list which you can join. Every time I post something new I will send an email with just the title or a very brief summary so that you can decide whether you want to read the whole thing or not. There is just the one mailing list covering all my sites. You can sign up on the “Sign up to my mailing list” page on the top menu.

I hope you will be interested in keeping in touch.

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